Violence in Video Games

I think violent video games can definitely have a effect on children’s and adult’s personality and behavior, but only if they are not being stimulated by other things in the world. From a young age, we are taught the difference between right and wrong. So if you are playing a video game where you have to kill someone or something, most people still know that killing is wrong even if they choose to do it in a video game. But if people get consumed in the games that they are playing, then it is much easier for it to influence their behavior. I think that if people are being consumed by their actions in video games then there is a larger problem at hand than the video game itself. Banning all violent video games isn’t a bad idea per se but I think it is unnecessary.



I believe that marijuana should be legalized and used for both recreational and medical reasons. Marijuana is a drug that does minimal damage to your body and has low levels of addiction. As far as recreational drug use goes, marijuana does the least harm to people consuming and people around them. Like most things, there should be regulations for production, selling and consuming of marijuana. But it should all be legalized. Marijuana can also benefit many people with different medical situations including cancer patients, people with nerve pain or glaucoma. Medical marijuana can benefit the healthcare system in so many ways so there is little reason for it to not be legalized.


When it comes to studying, I do well in terms of how I study. In that I mean, I study what I need to study and I don’t study things I already know, and I have found ways to study that work for me and my mind. I make flashcards and study guides that I can read over and I take good notes. However, the issue with my study habits is that I do not devote much time to studying. I tend to not start studying til a night or two before, and I find myself trying to memorize 3 chapters of material in one or two nights. I know that the more efficient way to study and memorize material is to read through the notes and material everyday as I am learning it so that when an exam comes I do not have to cram. For the first exam in Psych 101, I had all the proper materials I needed in order to study- lecture notes, book notes, and flashcards but I decided to not start studying til the night before, which made it hard to study effectively.

First blog post

My name is Natalie Readnour and I am a freshman here at Austin College. I chose to take this class because I want to take more psychology classes in the future. I have no personal background in psychology but both my mom and my sister have degrees in psychology. When I hear the word “psychology” I think about the mind and often time, mental illness. The topics “Coping with Stress,” “Stereotypes and Discrimination,” and “Social Roles & Conformity” sound the most interesting to me because they seem most applicable to my present life and many situations. The topics on conditioning as well as intelligence sound the least interesting. I have no question that I want to answer about psychology but I would like to just be more generally knowledgeable about psychology.