Introductory Blog Post Guidelines

Hand writing on a notebook

Welcome to PSY 101 everyone!

It’s spring semester 2016 and I’m very excited to get to know all my new students. This first blog post will be pretty easy and give your classmates, readers, and I a bit of information about how you’re approaching this class. To that end, please include at least the following information in your first post on your blog:

  • Why you chose to take this class?
  • What do you associate with the word “psychology”?
  • Which 3 topics from the syllabus look the most interesting to you (and why)?
  • Which 3 topics from the syllabus look the least interesting to you (and why)?
  • What one question you want to be able to answer by the time this class is over?

You are of course encouraged to add additional information about yourself as well. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing and think would be good to know about you would be great.

I look forward to seeing what you post!


Header image: CC by Flickr user Caitlinator


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Spring Semester Is Right Around the Corner!

"Back to School" written on chalkboard

CC0 Public Domain by Pixabay user Geralt-9301

Spring semester at Austin College starts on February 1st, so make sure you start checking the blog regularly or subscribe to see a new batch of students’ thoughts and ideas about the concepts we explore.

We’ll have a few new features this semester. The biggest change is my blog will serve as a blog hub for all my students’ blogs. What does that mean? Instead of me posting links to students’ work as part of weekly summaries or you having to individually check each blog, when a student make a post to his or her blog, you will be able to view all students’ posts related to the class here on my site. This will make it easier for you to find their content and interact with them. Their blogs are still hosted on their own websites, so to leave comments you will need to click the link to the original content at the top of each post. I’m hoping this will encourage more conversations between you and the students, since you will be able to more quickly and easily access their work.

I’ve also upgraded the site navigation to provide the ability to quickly filter posts by category or content. Once the semester is up and running, you will also be able to filter by student author. You will find these new features at the bottom of the page. Finally, I have made it easier for you to share our content via you own social media with one-click options for a number of popular outlets.

If you have other ideas about improving the blog or connecting with my students, you can contact me at

Looking forward to a great semester!

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