
Jung Typology Test:

For this test, my score was “INFJ”, slightly leaning towards introversion over extraversion, intuition over sensing, feeling over thinking, and judging over perceiving. I believe that in some ways, I seem more extraverted than introverted in some settings, but overall I do believe I am introverted. The rest of the scoring seems pretty accurate with exceptions at various parts of life. The test seems credible because there is no way that I could change my answers to fit a “normal, well-perceived” personality in society. Moreover, the questions are asking the same few questions over and over again with different wording to clearly assess what kind of personality you acquire.

Personality Test (2):

My Jungian personality was “INTJ”. I still believe that the test is credible because I was on the border with all four factors in the previous test. I know that I tend to think clearly about situations as well as follow my heart on some things, which is a clear indicator of why it was slightly leaning towards thinking in this test.

Big Five Personality:

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I believe this test was very accurate on my overall personality. One thing I would slightly disagree with is that I am very open to new experiences, so I’m a little confused why I only got a 40 in the Intellect/Imagination. Other than that, all the other factors are pretty accurate of myself. I believe my extroversion was clearly conveyed in this test, because I have always believed that I am both an introvert, and extrovert. Overall, this test is credible in assessing various parts of personality.

Color Quiz:

The color quiz seemed very unreliable because it is solely based on the order you select colors. I also do not believe that I make “make irrational demands on others and refuse to compromise”. If anything, I’m the absolute opposite of that. The only accurate aspect of the test was my desired objective which stated that “Looking for affectionate, fulfilling, and friendly relationships.” I do not know, however, of anyone who would want a hateful friendship with anyone. All in all, I believe the color quiz was the least reliable of all the personality tests, and the big 5 personality test was the most reliable.

Do You Know Me Yet?

Test 1:

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
Extravert(12%)  Sensing(12%)  Feeling(22%)  Judging(9%)
I found this test to be only slightly accurate to my personality type. The questions were accurate to predicting my personality, but they were redundant and too repetitive. Most were not in-depth and only offered the same questions. The results are hard to interpret, and although they are mostly similar to my type, they are still far off from what they could be.

Test 2:

INFJ “Author”

Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. These are serious students and workers who really want to contribute. They make good therapists, general practitioners, and ministers. 1% of the total population.

This test was more accurate to what I would consider my personality to be like, but it still did not feel as precise as I would have liked. The questions weren’t very detailed and didn’t give enough options for it to produce an accurate answer to each question. Sometimes I wanted to choose both or neither for a question but I was forced to pick one or the other.

Test 3:

This test allowed me to choose on a scale, which I found to be the most true to answering the various questions. It was easier to decide and I agree with my results to a point. I don’t find myself to be as extroverted as the test predicted me to be.

Color Test – Results

Your Existing Situation

Works well with others. Needs personal relationships which are understanding and relatively conflict-free.

Your Stress Sources

“Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far, and doesn’t want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy.”

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

Feels unhappy and isolated because she is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding she desires.

“Current situation makes her feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things.”

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

Very active imagination and may be prone to fantasies and daydreaming. Always dreaming of interesting and exciting things to happen to her. Is a charmer and wants to be admired for that.

Your Actual Problem

“Fears she will be held back from achieving things she really wants, leading her to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless.”

Your Actual Problem #2

“Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give her more freedom and less obstacles.”

This test was surprisingly 100 percent true. I found it bizarre that a test that was so simple in design could produce such complex and accurate results. The color test was silly to take because I felt that I didn’t have to try, which may have brought out my true personality and have led to the most precise answers. This test demonstrates me completely, more than I thought I knew about myself. 


Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test

I think my results – which ended up being ESFJ – are pretty accurate. ESFJ means extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. Myself, as well as others who received the same result, are describe as “generous entertainers”. We also like to be in charge and we have no problem expressing our emotions, especially if we are upset. I do like to be in charge and I feel I am good and effective at resolving issues in the most rational way. The website describes ESFJ’s as caretakers and mothering. I feel like I do not completely act in that way, but I do care about others well being and I do have sympathy and empathy for others, I just would not say I am mothering. The most accurate part of the personality type is the extrovert aspect. I love to be around people, I love to keep busy, and I love to socialize.


Again, I was classified as an ESFJ. Since I figured the same result as the previous test would have a similar description, I looked into compatible careers on this site. I am currently in the education program, studying to be a high school English teacher and a basketball coach. All of the possible careers listed on the site all involved working with others, or serving others. I found it interesting athletic coach, elementary teacher, and special education teacher were listed, but not high school teacher. I think all types of teachers fit with the ESFJ personality type because they interact and help their students.

Big 5 Test

Factor 1: Extraversion- I scored on the 96th percentile for this factor. High scorers are outgoing and social.

Factor 2: Emotional Stability- I scored low, 36th percintile, on this factor. There’s not a long description for this factor, but I assume it means ability to control emotions. I agree with my low score on this because I easily become stressed, worried, or upset. I can easily let out my emotions and sometimes it is not in the best way.

Factor 3: Agreeableness- I scored on the 87th percentile, meaning I am friendly and and optimistic. This is accurate because I rarely have conflict with people, I have a wide variety of friends, and I am open to new things or people.

Factor 4: Conscientiousness- I scored only in the 36th percentile. Having a low score in this category means you are impulsive and disorganized. I know I am disorganized in the fact I leave my room and desk messy, but when it comes to organizing my school work and schedule I am good at that.

Factor 5: Intellect/Imagination- I scored on the 70th percentile on this category, meaning I am open to new experiences. People who score low are traditional and conservative. While I am definitely open to new things in every aspect, I do have traditions I stand strong with and my political views are completely conservative.

Color Quiz

I identified with some factors in my results, but for the most part I did not find this quiz accurate. My results said I am emotional and artistic and I need to be surrounded by beautiful things and art. I am not an artistic person whatsoever, and I find what most people consider “art” quite boring. It continues to say I need to meet people who have the same high value for themselves as I do, which is true, but then the results stated I still feel unfulfilled, which is not true. I am content with my current relationships with the people I associate with. The results said I am conceited and offended easily, again, not true. I am actually very critical of myself, but I do not necessarily care about outside negative thoughts people may have about me. The only other factor I actually identified with was I often feel stressed.

To conclude, the first three tests were accurate. They all had similar results in which I was able to identify with. As for the color quiz, I do not find it credible.

Finding my Personality “Score(s)”

The first two personality tests, to me, seemed the most reliable, even though the second one was slightly irritating as for many questions I felt I was more in the middle than on any one side. They felt more reliable because they asked real, relevant questions, unlike the last test that simply had me click on colors and then tried to describe me based off my choice order. The third did seam credible and accurate at first, but their traits didn’t exactly line up with the Big 5, instead of openness, it rated me on intellect/imagination; I wouldn’t exactly say that openness and intellect/imagination are interchangeable terms. Also, the results are a little difficult to interpret. There is a bar graph and a percentage set in the results table, but the two do not line up, I got a 45 in extroversion and a 35 in agreeableness, but the bar for agreeableness is bigger than the bar for extroversion, which makes no since. I will say, however, that the first three do appear to be reliable, I was labeled ESTP by the first two and the third test described me fairly accurately, at least in my opinion. I feel that I really fit into the ESTP category very well. The first two seem pretty useful as far as I can tell. The third can help get somewhat of a reed on a person but shouldn’t be totally trusted. And the last test is just too far off base, it feels more like one of those dumb tests you would expect to find on facebook. In all, I feel like short, free online personality tests, like the for I just took, shouldn’t really be blatantly trusted all that much, if the test feels unreliable (like the color choice test) or if the results don’t sound like you, then the test is probably not that good.

Personality Quiz

Before I began taking the tests I was very skeptical about the results,and after completing the quizzes I stand firm with my assumption. First of all these tests seem very easy to smudge or cheat on. It wouldn’t be difficult to cheat the system, but even when someone like myself comes along and takes it as honestly as possible the results can still be skewed. The face validity on the majority of these quizzes was very high and it was very easy to see what the quiz was asking and what results certain answers would give. Oddly enough though the color quiz which has very low face validity was very accurate to a certain extent. I was very surprised that the quiz hit a lot of key points that i perceive about myself. Honestly I have no idea how the color quiz was accurate at these points, it really puzzles me, but I even enjoyed taking it the best compared to the others. The others were long and in an exam format that was fairly boring but I was very curious to see the results. Each of these quizzes gave about the same outcome comparatively. Each with their certain ways to calculate each factor of a personality, but it was something that seemed alright at face value even though their way to calculate personality isn’t really expanded on and is fairly generic. It is odd to see that the Color Test that I had the least faith in went the most in depth and was the most fun. Of course it did not get everything right in my opinion, but it covered certain aspects of myself that I truly feel and think about, even things that I am really uncomfortable with that I acknowledge. All in all it was a fun experience with an outcome that I could not have predicted, it makes me want to do a little more research into the Color Test and see how the results are made, as well as if there were other successes or if mine was just a fluke.




Sources for the Personality Quizzes:



Online Personality Tests

Before diving into these personality tests, I had already assumed that these tests would imprecisely describe my personality for the most part but touch on few traits that are actually a part of my personality. After taking the first test, I feel my presumption was accurate as I did not agree with a lot of they described as my personality moreover the career choices they suggested for me. A example of a statement I disagreed with is when a result stated that I could have a good career in teacher when actually I cannot tolerate a large amount of kids at one time or even a few of very misbehaved kids. I also felt that some questions I could not relate to enough so that may have influenced inaccurate descriptions. As of the other tests, they clashed with my presumption. Unlike like the first test the others, more than half of the time, created precise descriptions. It’s funny because while reading the descriptions I just had to smile because I would realize that at that moment that they described the type of person I am or would tend to do. I giggled a little when a result from one test stated that I enjoyed and found satisfaction in sexual activity because I really do. While reading the results of one of the last tests I felt that they may have bolstered my personality a little as I felt appreciated for traits that I kind of have noticed but was not absolutely sure that I showed that traits always. Still there was some inaccurate guessing about my personality but I highly doubt that any personality test is 100% accurate while still be specific and descriptive about several traits of a person. In all some credibility can be given to tests such as the ones I took however one needs to be careful of putting forth all trust and faith into these tests to provide them information of who exactly they are.

Sources for the Personality Tests                                                                           

My Personality

Our personalities, while they’re something we live with, can sometimes surprise us when we are honest to ourselves and others about our wants and desires. These four personality test all asked similar questions about how someone feels in a social setting, how punctual someone is, the preference to go out or stay in, etc. A problem with these tests could be that people put what they want to do rather than what they actually do in a situation. Someone who strives to be social but is very much an introvert might put he/she would go out to a party instead of stay at home and watch a movie but when faced with the decision, they will stay in.

The first personality test I took was the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test where I answered several questions as agree or disagree. My score was 16% introvert, 19% sensing, 41% feeling, 25% judging. These results surprised me a little bit because I assumed the introvert category would be bigger, especially according to my answers. I was also surprised to see how judgmental it labeled me because while I am judgmental in some situations, I hide it very well. The explanation of feeling which was my biggest category didn’t make me feel very comfortable because it makes me sound like all I do it go through life making every decision and responding to every situation by my feelings which I’m not sure I do. This test was semi accurate in some ways but the problem with the questions was sometimes I think I meant how I responded in a different way than they meant it when they asked the question.

The second test I took was the Personality Type Questionaire. My score on this test was surprising as well. I got the “Conservator” which is someone who is, “service and work oriented – very loyal. They are good nurses, teachers, secretaries, general practitioners, librarians, middle managers, and housekeepers. 6% of the total population.” I agree with these descriptions of me but I feel like I am more than these things. I am loyal to the people I trust and love and I love to do service but I also have fun and am not completely work oriented most of the time. This test seems to put people in very small boxes.

The next test I took was the Big Five Personality Test where I got some differing results from the last two tests. In this test, I got 9% extroversion which is the opposite of test #1. Maybe the questions in this test were worded in a way that I was okay with dealing with people. I got 11% emotional stability, 83% agreeableness, 46% conscientiousness, and 3% intellect/ imagination. Most of these I agree with.

The last test was the color quiz which I felt weird doing and I feel was the most inaccurate. On this quiz, I got results such as wanting to take control, emotionally unstable, emotionally detached, desire to win over people, manipulative, etc. All of these things are the opposite of what I got on the other tests and seem quite the opposite of how I feel and make decisions. I don’t this is test is very accurate at all.

Personality tests can’t cover every aspect and have many flaws in how the questions are asked and people being honest but they can at least give someone a doorway to start analyzing their own personality and in that sense, they can be quite useful.

I am First and Foremost a Scorpio

Color Quiz

I don’t think the color quiz was very accurate. Basing someone’s fears, desires, hopes, and unpleasantries purely based on the order of the colors picked isn’t incredibly scientific. I also kind of cheated: on the second go-around, the instructions explicitly said not to pick the colors in the same order as the first time, but I did it anyways, just to see if I could. I did it flawlessly. With that in mind, the quiz assessed some interesting items about me such as, “Feels unhappy and isolated because he is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding he desires,” “Tends to proceed with caution due to his fear of rejection. This attitude makes in difficult for him to earn respect or develop close relationships,” and “Is easily exhausted from too much argument and harsh circumstances. Sensitive and looks for sympathy and understanding from others.” Some of these check out because I have no emotional stability whatsoever, but one could apply most of those statements to a large population. That’s what I’m telling myself anyways. 

The First Jungian Test

I received the INFP type. INFPs are rare and exotic with only 4% representation in the general population. I think I fit the type nicely: self-expressive, loner, misunderstood, impractical, hopeless romantic, the mediator of friends. This doesn’t describe my entire personality of course, but I think it’s a helpful tool when thinking about career paths and how I function in relationships. For me, I think this was the most reliable test.

The Second Jungian Test

The second test scored me as an INFJ, however, I only have a 1% difference between judging and perceiving. An INFJ is a lot like an INFP except INFJs aren’t as dreamy and are more of a perfectionist, spoken type. Both of these types are suppose to be the ones that change the world and make it a better place, so I’m fine with either of these. I think I fit more of the INFP description personally. I did like it provided percentages showing why you scored what you did, but I think that made me perceive the test as less reliable because I didn’t agree with some of them.

The Big-5 Test

These are my results from the test:

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I scored the highest on agreeableness which is fairly accurate. I hate fights, debates, and heated arguments. Discussions are fine, but when things become argumentative, I shut down the conversation because I hate any kind of confrontation. I don’t know if I would say I’m practically friendly or optimistic though. I didn’t really score high on anything else. I honestly kind of expected that for emotional stability, conscientiousness, and extroversion. I’m not sure why the test-makers have intelligence/imagination as a category because that’s not in the Big 5 (in the description it does say it means open to experience, but that’s not the same as intelligence), and I’m assuming that the emotional stability is the same as neuroticism. The ad at the bottom for the social website also makes me suspicious of how accurate this test is because frankly, that friend matching website just sounds shady. I think the Big 5 traits are more difficult to calculate as well because people constantly improve or regress on those traits.

Getting to Know Myself

For the first two tests, I was labeled as an INTJ which is the same score I got doing the roommate selection thing. I’ve always been very interested in personality tests and scores so I have read a lot about INTJs and how they relate to the other personality types. I think it’s a pretty good description of who I am. What’s funny to me about it is that INTJs are described to be super confident but at the same time extremely self-conscience. I found a post once that portrayed it perfectly saying, “INTJ: I am perfect!… also INTJ: Everyone hates me and I also hate myself.” This was one of the most honest depictions I have ever seen, it captures the paradox that is the INTJ perfectly. Since I have received the same results on these two online tests as I have the real version, I think that they are pretty credible.

The third test I took was pretty accurate as well. I scored low on Extroversion and Agreeableness, very high on Conscientiousness and in the middle on Emotional Stability and Intellect/ Imagination.  In my opinion, I think I’m a little more agreeable than the test makes me out to be but other than that it seems to have described me pretty well. As for credibility, I’m not quite sure where this test falls. It’s obviously not the real 5 factor test, but since it seemed to mostly describe me I would say that it is a partially credible source.

The last test, in my opinion, didn’t describe me well at all. I could be biased though because this test mostly said negative things about my personality and no-one ever really wants to hear about all of their flaws. The parts about failure, being distant and fear of commitment were kind of spot on though. This test doesn’t feel very credible to me at all. I don’t really see how the order of colors I chose can give that much insight to my personality and the results seemed a bit like they could be generalized to many people kind of like horoscopes are. But again, I could just be viewing this test in a negative way because it rubbed me wrong.

Week 11 Blog Prompt: Personality

Hand writing on a notebook

We all want to know more about our ourselves, and psychological tests are one way to explore our personalities. While the full psychological tests are often long and require a fee to take, there are an abundance of free versions online. Take the four personality tests linked below, discuss how accurately they describe your perception of your personality, and discuss the credibility of each test. Make sure to use the tag “Personality” on your post.

I look forward to seeing what you write!

Header image: CC by Flickr user Caitlinator
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