Traffic Weaving Myth

 In one of the Mythbusters’ mini-myths labeled “Dream Weaver,” the group examines the myth that it is better to stay in one lane while driving in heavy traffic than to lane change because the driver will still get to his or her destination in the same amount of time. This experiment had two different drivers race 50 miles from the Mythbusters’ lab in San Fransisco down to San Jose Tech Museum using the freeway during rush hour traffic to test this myth. One driver, a male driver with no passenger, picked the middle lane to drive in and made no lane changes at all. The other driver, a female who had a passenger with her, constantly weaved through lanes trying to stay ahead by picking the “right lane” at the best times. 

This experiment had a great question and it was definitely a very testable experiment, using only a few vehicles, two drivers, and the freeway. The experimenters did a good job of getting the same or similar cars to drive, both were small SUVs. The cars left at the exact same time and we’re both on the same freeway at the same time, facing the same traffic; all needed for proper outcomes in this experiment. There were, however, multiple weaknesses found throughout this test that should be noted. The setting and environment, for example, was traffic at 7:30 in the morning on a freeway in San Fransisco. What if 5:00 traffic in the same location produced a different outcome than the 7:30 test? What if the experiment was done at that same time but in New York City instead, where there are many more people who walk instead of vehicle transportation? Would it have showed different outcomes there? The environment they chose was too specific to make such a broad and general conclusion. Another observation that could be made was the drivers chosen and the different possible ways they drive. They had two cars, one with a male and the other female. One car included a passenger, the other did not. How do we know that if both cars were to only pick one lane to stick to, that they would’ve arrived at the same time? It is very likely that these two drivers were different in how they drive and how the presence or absence of a passenger influenced them to drive. A way that could have improved this problem is perhaps using the same driver and conduction multiple tests.

 Mythbusters is an interesting show that does a great job of finding the questions or “myths” that people often wonder about in life. With some more careful consideration on their variables and how the go about these experiments, the show could be even more helpful and popular than it already is.

Mythbusters’ Navigating Traffic Experiment

The Mythbusters Mini-Myth about whether or not lane changing in traffic is faster than staying in one lane has its good sides and bad sides. For good, their experiment was carried out in real traffic, so there is no room for a bias fault or any miss calculations in a simulation. Also, the two cars ran at the same time so there was no environmental difference between the two variables. That being said, the experiment still needs some work, for example, they only have one data set, the experiment needs to be run more than once to eliminate luck ‘s influence. Another weakness is that the test only covered one environment, which was a San Diego highway in rush hour. There is also the problem of the driver used in the lane changing portion of the experiment. A more timid driver would be likely to make less lane changes than a more aggressive driver would, which would alter the results and effectiveness of that trial.

To be more inclusive, the test should be carried out on multiple roads and at multiple times, in different locations (drivers in Chicago are very different from drivers in Dallas, from my own experience), maybe use a four-lane highway, a six-lane highway and an eight-lane highway to get a more better feeling of where lane changing may or may not be faster. Testing different traffic variables could help get broader data as well, such as testing rush hour, traffic behind a car crash, and bottlenecking traffic. There is also the matter of the vehicle, a small car would theoretically have an easier time changing lanes than a longer car as it could more easily fit into the smaller gaps in the traffic of its neighboring lanes. To maintain reliable data, these trials would have to be repeated multiple times to help remove luck’s influence on the experiment. This is possible to carry out, even though it would be more difficult (an experiment of this scale would require extensive preparation), it would be much more expensive, in travel fees (to the varying locations), gas for the multiple trials, the cars themselves, and compensation for the participants.

Keeping all this in mind, the Mythbusters’ experiment will probably have to do for now as it would be difficult to carry out a full scale experiment and this topic isn’t exactly important enough for anyone to commit the time and money to work it all out.

Coffee Nut

Wake up. Coffee. Go to class. Coffee. Homework. Coffee….

Does having early classes increase the intake of coffee by college students?

If a college student is taking morning class, then they will increase their coffee take. A majority of college students stay up late doing homework irregardless of what time they need to wake up. The average student with morning classes will get up early to have class and then nap in the afternoon, leaving all of their homework to be done in the evening. This results in the student going to bed late and not getting enough sleep to fully function in the morning class. Therefore, students with early classes will feel the need to drink coffee to get through the morning.

A cheap and easy method to test this, is by having students fill out a survey. For a more detailed study, the researcher might send a survey during fall semester and then a follow-up survey in the spring to the participants of the first survey. This would show a comparison between the two semesters,  where a student might have a different schedule and therefore, a different intake of coffee.

Some of the questions asked will be:

  1. How many morning classes do you have each day? (Between 8am and 10am)
  2. How many days in the week do you drink coffee?
  3. How much coffee do you drink daily?
  4. How often do you skip/ sleep through your morning class(es)?
  5. How often do you sleep during class?
  6. What time do you go to bed on average?
  7. How often do you take naps?
  8. When, on average, do you do the majority of your homework?

Running a survey is quick and asks direct questions related to the topic being studied. It would test all college students, from which a random selection of volunteers would participate, giving the study a good variation. Unfortunately, the survey would leave availability for lying and bias because it asks about a student’s sleep schedule. Student’s know that it is wrong to sleep during class, so they might lie about not doing it. This can alter the results and cause an inaccurate study.


Coke vs. Pepsi Taste Test

In class we had to do an experiment seeing if people can really tell the difference between the taste of Coke and Pepsi.

The strengths of this study was:

  • Having more than 2 trials
  • Having a server so the person drinking would not know what it was
  • The sodas were given at random

The limitations of the research design and the problems we saw with how the experiment was carried out was

  • How we picked a person who supposedly said he “knew” the difference between coke and pepsi. It shaved have been a person picked at random
  • We shouldn’t have told the taster there was going to be a difference of drinks
  • It was only 4 tasters

Alternative explanations which this experiment cannot rule out was:

  • Devon (my groups taster) could have lied and said he did know the difference between Coke and Pepsi when he actually didn’t.
  • Devon told us he had a coke earlier that morning
  • Devon had to drink water after every taste

If we were going to replicate this study, we would improve it by

  • Randomly selecting a taster
  • Not tell the taster there was going to be Coke and Pepsi. Just tell them it is soda.

Week 2 Blog Prompts – Research Methods

Hand writing on a notebook

Regardless of which prompt you choose, please use the Tag “Research Methods” on your post. Here are the prompts for this week:

Option 1

For this week’s discussion, I want you to design a research study about a topic you find interesting in psychology. You can choose any topic you would like as long as you relate it to something from our textbook. In your post make sure to do the following:

  • List your research question
  • State your hypothesis (what you think the outcome would be and why)
  • Decide which methodology you would use (i.e., survey, observation, etc.) and explain your choice
  • Describe your procedure (what you would have participants do, how you would recruit participants)

Make your research idea something feasible that you could actually do as a student researcher. In other words, assume you have a fairly small budget and a limited amount of time. If you’re a psychology major or minor, you will eventually take Research Methods and have to conduct a research project, so this is great practice to start thinking about what you might want to do.

For your comment on a classmate’s post, I want you to make a suggestion about a way to improve the study he or she described. I also want you to say why the suggestion would be useful.

Option 2

Mythbusters is a popular TV show on the Discovery Channel which tests popular ideas using scientific methods. The show generally does a pretty good job, but now that you’ve read the chapter and discussed the scientific method, you are in a good position to critique the show. Select one of the mini-myths (short clips from the show) below and critique the methods used to test the myth. Remember, critique means list the strengths and the weaknesses. For each weakness, discuss why it is a problem and suggest a solution.

I look forward to seeing what you write!

Header image: CC by Flickr user Caitlinator


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Marion MacDonald Wright

Another woman who has made contributions to the field of psychology is one of the name Marion Macdonald Wright.
Born in New Westminister, British Columbia Marion Macdonald Wright was almost certain or destined to achieve highly as she took after her mom as well as having two older siblings to look up to. Growing up she “succeeded at everything she attempted to do”. With dreams of originally becoming a journalist or reporter Wright attended University of British Columbia for most of her college years. There she met an icon in her life, a professor named John Allen Irving. As described in her words words about the professor, “The most brilliant lecturer and most wonderful professor I could imagine.”, he became very influential to her. Soon after graduating college, Wright was drawn into the field of psychology as a psychologist at Shaughnessy Hospital due to a recommendation from professor Irving. For a duration of about five years while gaining experience in that department, she often conducted group therapy and bolstered the expanding of the Psychiatry Department. Eventually through her work and efforts, she became known as the first clinical psychologist to practice on the West Coast. After her job at Shaughnessy Hospital she moved on to the University of Toronto for a fellowship in psychology in 1948. Although she had moved locations she continued to serve as a psychologist at Sunnybrook Hospital while teaching courses in personality appraisal. Wright after some time had found Morgan Wright, her current husband now, and became pregnant. Still wanting to achieve more Wright wanted to obtain a PhD but her pregnancy interrupted that goal of hers. She was never actually able to finish what she had started at the University of Toronto before the next move to Regina in Canada. There she hung up psychology and took care of her two young children, only teaching introduction psychology courses sometimes. Marion Macdonald Wright passed away on November 11th, 2015.

Oct. 23, 1883

133 years ago, on October 23rd, 1883 marks the opening of the first state mental hospital in Salem, Oregon called the Oregon State Insane Asylum, or more currently known as the Oregon State Hospital. 320 patients were transferred/admitted to the hospital on opening day, including 102 female patients. Most of the patients were transfers from Portland’s Hawthorne Asylum, also a mental hospital, but not the state hospital.

The idea of the asylum was first proposed in 1862 by Addison Gibbs (Governor of Oregon) to provide care for “insane and idiotic persons”. The way of dealing with “insane and idiotic persons” at the time, for example, was a system in which the government paid Oregon citizens to “keep” mentally ill people and provide minimal care for them. Each county in Oregon was held responsible to deal with mentally ill people in whichever way they chose, Oregon archives just showed this particular case.

It took 20 years after Gibb’s suggestion to begin collecting government funds for the institution. The hospital was set to be built close to the state prison, which was probably not a coincidence. The hospital still remains in the same location today, and the road leading up to the building used to be known as “Asylum Avenue”. Dr. Horace Carpenter, a physician, was chosen as the hospital’s superintendent, or someone to oversee the hospital’s operations.


Obviously, the late 1800’s psychologists and doctors were not necessarily rich in information and proven facts regarding patients admitted into asylums and how to deal/care for them. The hospital still continues to be functional today, and even had recent reconstruction to expand the buildings in 2009-2011. The hospital’s technology, methods, and research has improved and plans to continue to expand to help the people of Oregon who need it.



The Gay Agenda

Evelyn Hooker was one of the most important psychologists in history because of her feminist qualities and her work on homosexuality versus heterosexuality, which eventually led to homosexuality being erased from the Diagnostic and Statistic Manuel of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Hooker spent most of her studious years in Colorado, as she received her bachelor’s and master’s at the University of Colorado. She wanted to earn her doctorate’s at Yale, but the department chair did not want women in his area of study. She instead attended John Hopkins University and earned her doctorate in experimental psychology in 1932.

This was a pivotal moment for Hooker. Through contacts, in 1937, she was able to go to Berlin to study clinical psychology at the Institute of Psychotherapy. Of course, this was around Hitler’s rise to power, and she witnessed some of the atrocious discrimination and destruction of the culture and people of Germany during her visit.

After her visit to Berlin, she began working at UCLA. She would eventually leave the university, then come back to it in the 1950s. Hooker started to notice the battle gay men/culture was facing in the 1950s and wanted to pursue research in this field. She had witnessed what the hatred of people pushed onto other’s had accomplished in Berlin, and the United States was heading dangerously towards the same route with homosexuality. Her study contended that gay men were not mentally ill because of their homosexuality and should not be treated as such.  She was awarded a grant to prove her statement.

She rounded up 30 homosexual and 30 heterosexual men who were alike in almost every sense of the word expect for sexual orientation and looks. She had all of the participants take the Rorschach Test, the Make a Picture Story Test, and the Thematic Apperception Test–all crucial on testing an individual’s psychological state. The test scorers were suppose to separate the homosexual and heterosexual scores, but they could not see any patterns to do so. The experts could not differentiate homosexual and heterosexual men by these psychological tests. This only supported the theory that homosexuality does not directly affect one’s mental health in terms of disorders.

As previously mentioned, her study was a crucial one used in the decision to remove homosexuality in the DSM-II in 1973. Hooker’s study eventually led her to receive the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology in the Public Interest award in 1992. She is considered not only an important figure in psychology, but in the LGBT+ community as well.

Sources used:

自紹介:私について (Self intro-about me)

Hi all!

My name is Katherine Shute, but please feel free to call me Katie or Kate, whichever you like best. I’m a second semester freshman here at AC, and I currently intend to major in East Asian Studies (thus my title being in Japanese; I also just wanted it to stand out a little), but that may change later. I’m from San Antonio, TX, and am honestly finding Sherman to be extremely small and boring (no offense to those who love Sherman).

I chose to take this class for several reasons. My high school offered AP Psych, and I always wanted to take it, but never had time. I’ve also always been interested in understanding why brains work the way they do, and why people behave in certain ways. The last reason is that I thought I had a full course load for this semester, but one of my classes only counts for half a credit, so I needed to add another class to keep financial aid and figured, hey, why not psychology? (Thanks Dr. MacFarlane!)

I associate the word “psychology” with a lot of things. Couches, waiting rooms, medication, frustration, and hatred of Freud are the first things that come to mind, but also vague images from stock photos of brains and neurons. I also get images of people recovering from various things, the causes behind effects, and understanding (of what? Not sure.).

The most interesting parts of the syllabus, to me, were classical conditioning (always found it fascinating), theories of intelligence (I know there’s more than one way to be smart, I just need more information), and mood disorders and anxiety (I have an anxiety disorder, and understanding my own brain seems to be rather useful). The ones that didn’t really jump out to me were concussions, drugs and alcohol, and neurons, as I already know some stuff about neurons and just plain am not interested in the other two.

One question I would like to have answered by the end of this semester is: Will I be able to get myself together enough to get a decent grade?


September 21, 1996 was the day that I was born, and exactly 99 years (1897) before that Albert Beckham was born as well. According to the American Psychological Association, he is known as the first African-American to hold the title of school psychologist.

Graduating with his masters degree from Ohio State University, he joined the military as a war professor of psychology. After, he was offered a teaching position and became the the first professor to not only teach psychology at Howard University, but teach all the psychology courses there. He also created the first psychological laboratory on campus, which provided counseling, intelligence testing, and consultations.

Eventually, Beckham left Howard University and moved to New York to complete his doctoral degree at New York University in educational psychology. Once he achieved that he left New York to pursue a position at the Institute of Juvenile Research in Illinois. He did various of works such as treat childhood disorders, administer vocational and educational tests for reading and math, provide in-service training to teachers, and conduct mental health assessments for children. He also as a side job became a school psychologist working for Chicago public schools.

On a personal level, around that time Beckham married Ruth Winifred Howard. Ruth was a scholar and psychologist at the Institute, which is where they both first met. Once married, they eventually started their own private practice.

Albert Beckham was a school psychologist for over three decades. He not established the first psychological clinics in public schools, but he also published over 20 articles on the effect of counseling on high school kids, childhood behavioral problems, intelligence testing, and life satisfaction. He contributed a lot to the psychology field where he is recognized and honored by all psychologists today.

I think to share my birthday with Albert Beckham is interesting because he is credited for helping others with his expertise of Psychology, and is still remembered today.

Cited Sources:

American Psychological Association (2016). Featured Psychologist: Albert Sidney Beckham PhD.